The Codependency Treatment Guide: CBT, Somatic Strategies and More to Disentangle Clients from Dysfunctional Relationships and Recover Self

9/9/2024 - 9/9/2024
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: Webinar, Sponsored by PESI; Cost 249.99; Approved for 6.25 CE clock hours, Live webinar

You see these clients all the time. Preoccupied with others, people with co-dependence issues desperately try to please, manage, or fix those in their closest relationships.

After years of putting their own needs aside these clients become stuck in externally focused self-sacrificing patterns they don't even recognize. By the time they show up in your office with anxiety,
depression and significant relationship issues they've completely lost their true selves.

But knowing what to do with these clients in therapy can be exasperating as again and again they
shift the focus of sessions away from themselves and toward others. Their unwillingness to drop
down into their own emotions, thoughts and actions can leave you feeling demoralized and drained
as you spin your wheels session after fruitless session. If you're not careful, you can end up joining the
client as they look to solve their own problems by solving the problems of others.

Nancy Johnston has been a therapist for over 40 years and is an expert in the field of codependent
relationships. The author of Disentangle: When You've Lost Your Self in Someone Else, Nancy has helped
thousands of clients extricate themselves from toxic codependency, connect with self, and live with
more peace and confidence.

Now in this live one-day webinar she'll share the clinical tools and strategies you need to help clients
break free from codependency, better balance their care of self and others, and achieve self-recovery.

To register:

Approved for 6.25 CE clock hours in Diagnosis; no NBCC credit available  for this program.

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