Mobirise v3.12.1


Dear Colleague:

Thank you for seeking information regarding the approval of your continuing education program for CE Clock hours for LPCs and PLPCs.   The Louisiana Licensed Professional Counselors Board of Examiners authorizes LCA to pre-approve workshops for LPCs.  Approved continuing education clock hours may be used to meet the continuing education requirements for Louisiana’s LPC license renewal every two years.  

Your program must meet the following requirements to be approved:

  1.  The program must be consistent with education within any of the following content area:
    • Counseling Theory
    • Human Growth and Development
    • Social and Cultural Foundations
    • The Helping Relationship
    • Group Dynamics
    • Lifestyle and Career Development
    • Appraisal of the Individual
    • Research and Evaluation
    • Professional Orientation
    • Marriage and Family
    • Chemical Dependency
    • Supervision
    • Abnormal
    • Psychopharmacology
    • Diagnosis
    • Ethics
  2.  The participant must have direct contact with the presenters for the time specified in the application.
  3. A qualified presenter is considered to be someone at the master’s level or above, trained in a mental health field.
  4. If a program is approved to satisfy the ethics and diagnostic requirement the title of the program must reflect the subject.  Programs with titles indicating ethics, diagnosis, or supervision do not automatically satisfy those requirements.
  5. LCA recognizes the availability of home study hours  and webinars or podcasts.  A webinar can be a real-time professional development with opportunities for live Q&A providing a interactive learning experience.   It may also be a video of a previously held real-time event.  Podcasts are in-depth audio interviews with leading professional counselors, educators and researchers.

Addition information

  • The review process must occur prior to the presentation.  Post hoc reviews will not be considered. 
  • Please complete the application  on the website at least 30 days prior to the date of the presentation. Application submitted past the 30 days deadline run the risk of not being reviewed before the presentation date.  The application must be completed online and submitted electronically.  
  • Once you program has been reviewed and approved you will receive the approval status letter
  • The approval of any program is for one fiscal year ONLY (January 1-December 31).   
  • Certificates must be provided to each participant who has successfully completed your program.  The certificate must be issued by you.
  • Participats must attend the entire presentation to receive the approved credit.  Partrial ccredit may not awarded.

The certificate must contain the name of the program,  the date,  and the statement found on the approval letter.


An administrative fee is required for each educational event and is due upon application.  This fee is for the review of the application and does not guarantee approval.  The fees are as follows:                                                                                               $65.00 for a single day workshop or an online event being presented once

$130.00 for a single workshop or an online event being presented on multiple dates within a 12-month period

$100.00 for a workshop of more than one day.   Multiday sessions presented more than once $130.00.

 These fees may be paid by check made out to LCA or by credit card.  Fees must accompany application unless arrangements have been made with the LCA office.

Program Complaint Policy:

If a participant would like to express a concern about his/her experience with an LCA-sponsored ACEP event, he/she may call or email the LCA office 318 861-0657.  Although LCA does not guarantee a particular outcome, the individual can expect us to consider the complaint, make any necessary decisions and respond within 2 weeks.

The LCA Conference is in October.  Appliations submitted after 9/15 will not be reviewed until after conference.    Every question should be answered; this information is used not only in the review process but in the information used on the calendar

To pay by credit card, Click here to access online Application.   You may pay using your credit card through

To pay using a check. please click here for the application. You may mail a check to 353 Leo Ave., Shreveport, LA 71105.   If you are unable to upload the required attachments, you may scan and email them  to

 Applications must be submitted electronically.

If you need to contact the LCA office about a submission, please include the name of the presentation, was it approved; original date of the presenttion. 


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