LCA’s Annual Conference is Sunday, October 5, 2025 through Tuesday, Oct 7, 2025 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Baton Rouge , Louisiana
Information about Virtual Pre-Conference has not been decided.
On behalf of the Louisiana Counseling Association, President Dr. Krystal Vaughn (7/1/2025-6/30/2026) invites you to submit a presentation proposal for the 2025 LCA Conference in Baton Rouge. Deadline for proposals: March 1, 2025.
The conference is a unique opportunity for counseling professionals from across the state to come together, exchange ideas, and learn from each other's experiences. By presenting at the conference, you will have the chance to:
1. Showcase Your Expertise: This is your chance to demonstrate your expertise and contribute to the growth of the counseling community.
2. Expand Your Network: Connect with like-minded professionals, build new relationships, and engage in meaningful discussions.
3. Enhance Your Professional Development: Engage in thought-provoking sessions, attend workshops, and gain new perspectives that will enrich your counseling practice.
4. Gain Recognition: Presenting at a state-level conference is a prestigious accomplishment that can enhance your professional reputation.
5. Contribute to the Field: By sharing your knowledge and experiences, you are contributing to the growth and advancement of the counseling profession. Your insights can inspire and empower fellow professionals, ultimately benefiting the clients and communities we serve.
6. Earn CEU’s: You get credit for an original presentation at a rate of 5 clock hours per one hour presentation toward renewal of the licensed professional counselor license.
Please submit your proposal by March 1, 2025 through our online submission portal, below.
Together, let's inspire, learn, and shape the future of counseling in Louisiana.
- Deadline for submission is March 1. Dadline for Poster Session Applications is April 1.
- A Presenter may not participate in more than two proposals (This does not include a Poster Session Presentation)
- There may be no more than three (3) presenters listed on any session any session.
- The application will ask for a picture and a short vita to be uploaded to the application.The application will not be considered complete without these for each presenter.
- Proposals should not have been presented for any other conference.You will be asked to verify that no more than 25% of the presentation has been shared with any other audience.
Please read the information below before completing the online application. By submitting the application you are agreeing that you have read the material and agree to abide by the information contained.
All applications must be submitted online. The links to submit are below.
Presentation Format
Content Session: A 1.5 hour presentation (Presenters may request a 3.0 hour presentation; this will be granted depending on the space available. Pease be prepared to be requested to reduce your session to 1.5 CE hours)
Roundtable Session: 1.5 CE clock hour opportunity. Roundtables are oral presentations with discussion with attendees seated around a table. Roundtable presenters should bring targeted questions to pose to others at the table to learn from and with those attending. Roundtables are an ideal format for networking and in-depth discussion on a particular topic. Information about Roundtables may be found here. The Roundtable Application is the same application as the Content Session. Be sure to mark RoundTable as the platform.
Poster Session: A fifteen-minute session to share research. This is a session presented only by Graduate Students (master’s and doctoral levels who have an active membership in LCA. Information about the Poster Sessions may be found here. Posters will be evaluated by a panel of counseling professional judges and prizes will be given to the first, second, and third place winners for both master’s and doctoral levels independent of each other. There will also be an opportunity for the conference participants to vote on the “People’s Choice. Please access this form to view what information you will need to complete the Poster Session application. Deadline for Poster Session Application is April1.
Presentation Level
Sessions should be classified as Introductory, Intermediate, or Advanced. LCA leadership is requesting that presentations be either intermediate or advanced. Introductory Sessions would be aimed at students or PLPCs.
- Introductory: Session participants do not need prior knowledge of content area; these workshops are for participants who want to expand knowledge, foundation and skills.
- Intermediate: Session participants need basic or very little knowledge of content area. These workshops are for participants who want to expand their knowledge, foundation and skills.
- Advanced: Session participants should have substantial knowledge and experience in content area; these workshops are for participants who have had years of experience in content areas such as in therapeutic practice or research.
Program Proposal Guidelines
- Persons in all areas of the counseling profession are invited to submit a program proposal.
- The lead presenter of the presentation must hold a master’s degree or above in a mental health field.
- Students may not be the lead presenter (unless the student is a professional seeking a doctorate.) The Lead Presenter, who must meet the requirements for a presenter from the LPC Board, is responsible for the content of the session. a presentation may have no more than three (3) presenters
- All presenters must be members of LCA at the time the proposal is submitted. (In special situations, this requirement may be waived by the LCA leadership)
- All presenters shoulld register for conference Presenters are responsible for all travel expenses. If a presenter does not register for conference, he may not earn CE hours other than the presenter hours.
- Presenters must check in at the LCA Presenter Registration Table to obtain their Badge. Presenters should sign in no less than 1 hour before the time of the presentation.
- Presenters and Exhibitors will sign in at a separate computer located at the right side of the Registration Tables.
- The lead presenter is responsible for signing the Presenter Contract, contacting all co-presenters and for all details of the submission.
- Audio-Visual Equipment: LCA will provide screens, microphone, extension cords and power strips in each meeting room. LCA will also provide a projector for each room. The projectors are equipped with a VGA and a HDMI Cord—if a presenter is using a Mac product, adapters should be brought by the presenter. Internet is provided at the 2025 conference. LCA does not provide any other equipment (this includes clickers for the projectors). Please plan to bring any other equipment that you need. Presenters may rent their equipment from the conference site, or they may bring their own computers.
- Tablets, I-pads, ext. may not operate with projectors. Please be sure that you have a laptop available for your presentation; LCA will not provide laptops.
- A presentation may not have more than three (3) presenters.
- Lead Presenter must submit handouts and power-points to be placed on the LCA APP before the beginning of conference (a deadline date will be provided by LCA). Presenters may also bring hard copy handouts to the presentation.
- Presenters may not use the presentation to advertise for-profit curriculum or programs that they have created.
- Presenters may not charge a separate attendance fee.
- Presenters must be able to attend the LCA 2024 Conference and be available to present any day/time during the conference. Conflicts may be noted on the application. Once the Acceptance letters are dispersed, the sessions will be scheduled. Scheduling will be based on the conflicts listed on the proposals.
- Presenters should register for the conference by August 31. Presenters who do not register will not be listed in the Conference Program Guide or be allowed to present.
Proposal Selection Process
- Proposals will be peer reviewed in a blind review by the Professional Development Committee.
- Proposals must be submitted online. An email from the LCA office will confirm receipt. If you do not receive this confirmation, contact the LCA office.
- Reviewers will use the following rubric items to review proposals: Presenter's qualifications and experience; relevance of topic to conference theme or needs of the particular audience; relevance to ethics, supervision, diagnosis or school counselor related issues; clear and attainable workshop objects; evidence-based practices; relevance of topic to current counseling themes (for example: mindfulness); topic appeals to a variety of audiences.
- Submissions must be complete or they will not be reviewed.
- Decision letters will be mailed by the LCA office by June 1.
- Once your proposal is accepted you will receive a draft of the program by email. This is done so that you may check the information and make any corrections before the program is uploaded to the website and the APP. This is a major step in the process. Once the schedule is posted to the APP, changes will not be made.
Preparing your proposal
The Professional Development Committee has provided a proposal outline that details everything that needs to be submitted. They suggest that you create a document with this information for yourself prior to entering it in the form so that you already have everything thought through and prepared. Please note the deadline of March 1, 2025.
CE Clock hours for Presenters
The LPC Board recognizes the work that a presenter puts into the preparation of a session. For that reason, presenters seeking credit from the LPC board may get credit for the original presentation at a rate of 5 clock hours per one hour presentation for renewal of the licensed professional counselor license. (For a session for which 1.0 CE clock hours are awarded, the presenter will receive 5.0 CE clock hours.) The LCA Exective Board voted 2/21/2025 to offer Lead Presenters of Content Sessions and Roundtable Sessions a 15% discount on the full conference registration.
If you want to submit a proposal for a content session or a Roundtable, please click on the statement below:
Content Session and Roundtable Proposal Application
If you are submitting a proposal for a Poster Session, please click on the statement below:
Poster Session Application
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