LMGCA is an association whose members provide counseling and education programs and services for members of the Veteran military community as well as other government agencies at the federal, state or local level. 

The mission of LMGCA is to encourage and deliver meaningful guidance, counseling, and educational programs to all members of the Armed Services, their family members, and civilian employees of Local, State and Federal Governmental Agencies. Encourage development of professional monographs and convention/conference presentations by any of these agencies. Develop and promote the highest standards of professional conduct among counselors and educators working with Armed Services personnel and veterans. Establish, promote, and maintain improved communication with the nonmilitary community; and conduct and foster programs to enhance individual human development and increase recognition of humanistic values and goals within State and Federal Agencies.

The goals of LMGCA are as follows:

  • to encourage, deliver, and participate in meaningful guidance, counseling, and educational programs for all members of the Armed Services and their families, whether active duty or retired; civilian employee of the Department of Defense; and employees of other government agencies.
  • to encourage, develop, facilitate, and promote professional development activities for administrators, counselors, and educators working with such populations.
  • to develop and promote the highest standards of professional conduct among administrators, counselors, and educators working in these environments.
  • to establish and maintain full communication networks among such professionals.
  • to encourage development of professional monographs and convention or conference presentations by members.
  • to conduct and foster programs to enhance individual human development and increase recognition of humanistic values and goals among the members and within the agencies where they practice.

Who Joins LMGCA?

Among members are:

Those providing counseling, education, assessment or other support activities or services to first responders, civilian government employees, pre-service active duty, reserve, or Veterans such as education services officers, counselors, family services, transition, relocation, family advocacy specialists, chaplains, drug and alcohol and rehabilitation counselors and any other related professional, whether employed by a government agency, private contractor or colleges and universities serving this population.

Dues:   Professional, Retired, PLPC:  $10.00         Student:    $5.00

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